"Magical Maiden" by Cillyart

"Magical Maiden" by Cillyart
"Magical Maiden and A Troubador/Minstrel" by Cillyart/CMB

Monday, December 29, 2014

WHAZZUP with CILLYart and CILLYart4U in last month of 2014? Check it out!

Goodness!  The days have flown by, truly!  Our youngest daughter is now married (Congrats to Bethany & Brandt!) and we enjoyed family in town for this wonderful event and Christmas!  



Now we are soon to ring in the new year of 2015!  We are looking forward to the release of the TWIN TAILS of Mason Beach soon and the preparation for TWIN TAILS Book 2!


Wishing you all the greatest blessings, happiness and success for 2015! 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

WHAZZUP with CILLYart4U in December 2014? Check it out below:

WOW!  The days are flying by and there is so much to do to be ready for our daughter's wedding on DEC 19th, to teach my preschool class for kindergarten readiness, to do for my TWIN TAILSChildren's Chapter Book Series, and more!!!

ROOK Publishing has returned my TWIN TAILS of Mason Beach story and book cover illustrations and await my final author edit of the manuscript to be done of the story.  One more chapter and the epilogue to go and I will send it their way!


In the meantime, what a crazy rainy day in Arizona we had! My lil' class of 17 (out of 21 who are normally there) active preschoolers could not go outside for recess and the gym at the school was busy all day with a dental clinic so we did a half hour of music & movement to get our bodies a-movin' and a-groovin' with a Snowman Hokey Pokey, Goin' On A Bear Hunt, Head Shoulders Knees & Toes, Rain is Falling All Around (in regular, fast & slow motion), the Bunny Hop, Holiday CHOO-CHOO Train, and some fun stretching and exercises too.  I came home and sat down to work on my laptop...and woke up 3 hours later!  :oD


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