"Magical Maiden" by Cillyart

"Magical Maiden" by Cillyart
"Magical Maiden and A Troubador/Minstrel" by Cillyart/CMB

Monday, December 2, 2013

Rah, rah...HURRAH for another SNEAK PEEK on DEC 2, 2013...Publication 2014, here we come!!!

Rah, rah, hurrah to the swim team! My initial line illustration has now become a B & W story illustration for my upcoming chapter book story for young readers! What does a swim team have to do with this magical adventure series? Stay tuned to the 2014 publication of book one! :o)


  1. Your illustrations are beautiful! I wish you the best of luck with your new series.

    1. Thank you, Geena! I appreciate it! I'm hoping this series will be a fun one that will happily wrap up children into reading!

      Cindy (aka CILLYart) :o)
